The Rook - Al Blyth & Sam Holcroft
This is part of my unedited thoughts series.
This series has such an interesting take on the superhero trope. It looks at the possibility of the superhero becoming a servant or slave to the state or highest bidder.
We are introduced into this world in a very interesting way. An insider: Myfanwy has lost her memory. We learn (or re-learn) with her. It’s neat and well-executed.
Early on we see hints that Myfanwy may be extremely powerful, but that power may be being kept on a leash.
I find this whole idea very strange because it is made very clear, early on, that they control her – so why also keep her powers under wraps? Feels a bit silly.

As soon as we start to get our heads around the idea of a secret wing of superheroes in the British intelligence services the whole underworld is thrown wide open. There is a black market for superheroes. This is such a brilliant idea as well. An illegal market will surface if such power can be controlled and its existence is hidden.

We see very little use of powers but what we do see is amazing. This less is more approach is refreshing and makes a lot of sense in a world where superheroes’ existence is hidden.
The way the memory loss plot is handled is great. She leaves two paths of letters and video files for herself. But we get to see more of them then she does on her chosen path. This is a fantastic story telling technique.
The strokes were too broad for me in this season. We didn’t get into too much detail about this new world. It did look very interesting. Sad to see that they set up for a second season that never happened.