Power - Courtney A. Kemp
Season Two
This is part of my unedited thoughts series
I’ll add season one here as well once I find my notes.
All of the dramatic irony that was set up in season one comes to a head here. Ghost’s marriage is dust and Angela leaves him in the end as well.
Kayne blows up lots of the cartel’s arrangements as well.
The cops end up losing their case against Tommy because of Angela’s super dodginess. Tommy’s relationship with Holly is on and off, but surprisingly, it seems to be the most stable thing throughout this.
Because of the ongoing issues further up the supply chain and double shipment is sent and then the money needs to be back in quicker than agreed.
They all pull together and make it happen even with all the other shit going on.

In the end Ghost is angling to get out so ends up killing everyone apart from Ruiz who he warns to leave.

Ghost wins back his night club and he even manages to have his supplier killed in jail. Looking like he wants out of the game.
This feels like the end for me or there is going to be a completely new story. They spent season one building up all these plots and then ended them all here.
The characters feel a little bit like cardboard cut-out, nothing to them. There is also way too much sex in this season. It kind of felt that they needed to do something to up the viewers because they only had half a season with the plot they had. I mean sex is fine we just don’t need to see all of it. Though Tommy and the puppy after kicking the one-night stands out is great!