Planet Earth II - David Attenborough
Technology has come a long way since Planet Earth. We can get closer and see more rare species than we could before.
This is just a re-visit to the biomes of the first series. We see a whole new array of animals and conflicts now. Even though we return to much of the same areas as before.
The standouts were the blind Amazonian dolphins and the Himilayan snow leopards.
If it wasn’t for the brilliant narration of Attenborough you could almost just watch the spectacular visuals by themselves.
The camera work is wonderful and takes into the animal’s world. There was a new biome this time that we didn’t see in the first series and that’s Cities.

We got to see some very interesting dynamics and behaviors on display. The Leopards hunting boar in a large Indian city and the Hyenas in a city in Ethiopia were something else.

It was terrifying to see these wild predators up close to people.
I love this show and Attenborough is brilliant!