Mystery Road - Rachel Perkins - Season 1
This is part of my unedited thoughts series.
This is a great story. We are woven into the lives of this outback town where two young men have gone missing.
Everyone is involved in some way. From the owner of the homestead where the men worked and the local aboriginal land council to local drug runners.
The fact that all the people in town are related to the plot in some way makes for a great story that allows you to keep guessing about what has happened. The intertwined plot has lots happening, some of which is related to the disappearances, some of which isn’t.
What an incredible performance by Aaron Pedersen as Jay – the lead detective. He is understated, letting things play out and slowly steering scenes where he wants them to go.

With brilliant writing and great acting – what’s not to love? Get into this must-see Aussie Cop drama!