Mr Robot - Sam Esmail
Season Four
(This is my rating for all four seasons. I’ll add my notes on seasons 1-3 when I find them)
Overall this season was good but it was really just the post script to the brilliance that led up to this point. We learn about the Deus Group – the organization that Whiterose controls. All this added detail was unnecessary – this could have been the ruling council of the dark army.
So the plot for the start of the season is to take down the Deus Group so that Elliot can survive post the shipping of Whiterose’s project to the Congo.
So we are just here to see the end of all the plots with all the characters that have emerged throughout the rest of the story and to be honest most of them are not very interesting. Once Angela lost her mind she ceased to be an exciting part of the story.

We learn, but not clearly, that Whiterose plans to merge two parallel universes. Somehow this is supposed to make everything better.

And then bam it looks like it has worked. But the new world is too good to be true and it quickly unravels when Elliot tries to take the place of his counterpart.
Then we see the intrusion of Elliot’s other personalities that we have seen waiting in the wings and we know there are more.
Elliot learns the true nature of this world – it is in his mind and he is a prisoner. What I hated about the whole reveal of Whiterose’s plan was that everything has been explained to us throughout the seasons.
We begin to see her plan revealed but the explanation leaves a lot to be desired. The reveal that Elliot himself was a personality was interesting but kinda unnecessary.
Like Mr. Robot’s creation makes complete sense.

But the creation of another Elliot? The only explanation that we get from the real Elliot in the prison-fantasy world is that his life is too boring so he creates Elliot because being a super hacker would be fun. Come on.

One sequence that I did enjoy was the return of Fernando. His return doesn’t make a lot of sense but the sequence that follows is spectacular. His dialogue is crisp and refreshing and the secrets he forces Krista to get out of Elliot are amazing.
Overall they just spent too long on everything this season. It did feel like the end and the only reason it was made was because it was so popular.