Louis C.K.: Oh My God
This is part of my unedited thoughts series
I don’t think I’m a huge fan of Louis C.K. I’ll try to explain why.
Most of his gag lines start funny enough but he keeps going and going and going until the joke is dead. Then he flogs it some more.
The opening joke line in this movie is an excellent example of this. He talks about this old lady in New York and her and her blind dog.
The perspective humor is great – emulating what it is like to be them. Then he talks about them dying and who it would be better to go first. The end of the joke line is the lady shitting on the dead dog’s head forever in her toilet. I mean I get that no critic is the authority on what is funny but the silence that followed this joke sent a clear message.

The only other show I’ve seen by Louis C.K. is Chewed Up. This is much better than that. What perplexes me by these shows is that people find them funny. It may be a contagious thing – like everyone else is laughing so I have to laugh.

The funniest part of this is the animals at the zoo jokes. Like a good story it’s all in the way it’s told. So if you can find those they are well worth a watch.
The whole line about getting old and having a loose leaking butt was just gross.
I thoroughly enjoyed the pretending not to live in the building joke. The dating jokes were ok. Tits jokes were ok but getting pretty perverted. The of course and maybe joke that the show ends on is just a cop-out. An excuse for him to say whatever he wants and get away with it – which he obviously cannot do as the slavery joke gets called out by the audience.