Archer -Adam Reed
This is part of my unedited thoughts series.
Season Twelve
Better late than never. Archer is back for the final season of what has been one of the best TV shows of late.
It is extremely well-written and pulls no punches. If it is not your cup of tea, you will hate it.
Archer has come out of his coma and returns to duty with a mechanised walking stick.
The agency finds itself out of money having to participate in an advertising popularity contest against much bigger fish. That is until Lana’s husband buys it.
There is a rivalry between them and the best agency in the business IPA.
It’s great to see the return of many recurring tropes.
The main plot is about a scientist who has made an ultimate weapon which is also a reactor that could solve the world’s energy problems.

The season ends with Archer’s mum retiring and the agency being taken over by IPA.

There were lots of laugh-out-loud moments. I found this more annoying this season for some reason. It’s annoying because you miss the next few lines of dialogue. But perhaps that has always been a problem.
I’m going to miss this show and its irreverent tone and extremely crass humor.