I hope I can bring my love of great narrative to you.
About Me
My name is Colin Parton. I am script editor and writer. My previous works include the films: Coming Home (Short Seasons Film Festival 2003 – Australia); Heat (Short Seasons Film Festival, Short Breaks Film Festival, Artcore 2005 – Australia); Play Date (Homebrewed International Film Festival 2007-Australia). I studied professional writing at the University of Canberra, majoring in writing for Film and TV. I live in Australia.
I have always loved stories. I really enjoy picking apart movies, tv and books with friends. I have worked in film and theatre and have had two short stories published by Scribe.
I have valued the time that I have spent working with others helping them develop their ideas. I feel that one of my strengths in story development is being able to look at the narrative objectively and explain to my colleagues why something isn’t working.
My Books
Myra: The Gathering Part 1
If you’ve spent your whole life striving to belong would you sacrifice it all for friends you’ve just met?
The medieval kingdom of Maltara is on the brink of civil war. Politics and knives in the back are just as likely to kill you as the orcs that roam the wilds.
Myra, an elite assassin, is sent by the secretive Shadow Queen of the fallen elves to scout the kingdom for invasion. She is alone in enemy territory and as she travels the land fulfilling her task she begins to realise how important she may be for the plight of Maltara.
Myra meets major players on both sides of the conflict and will hold their lives in her hands.
Will she choose the path laid out for her and sacrifice her new friends? Is this really who she dreamed of becoming?
“What an exciting tale! Myra moves quickly from one adventure to the next, meeting interesting and intriguing characters along the way.” Bev – GoodReads Review
Click BUY ON AMAZON under the cover to join Myra on her quest and scout the medieval realm of Maltara with her.
Snorri: The Gathering Part 2
Every year they attack. They take slaves and kill my friends. No more, never again: I’m going to kill them all.
Life in the fantasy kingdom of Denthar is hard. The wilds are unforgiving and there are enemies around every corner.
Snorri’s quiet life as the blacksmith in a small village is shattered. Caraninthian slavers attack again. The town’s defenders kill them, but only after taking losses themselves. Snorri, driven by hatred and revenge swears to kill them all.
Snorri and his brother Balta seek to find the location of the hidden caraninthian homeland. Their travels are beset by whispers of an ancient evil rising once again. Snorri is pulled in many directions to save the people from evil of all kinds while having his overriding goal in front of him.
When they find that their cousin is in league with the slavers they may have finally found a clue to aid them in their quest.
If you like fast paced litrpg then you will love Snorri.
Will Snorri keep his head and be able to track down his quarry? Or will rage dominate him and cause him to fail? Click the BUY ON AMAZON button under the cover to follow Snorri in his quest to rid the world of his hated foe.
Tarion: The Gathering Part 3
They say I’m the chosen one. What does that even mean?
The duchies of Tentoi are beset. Internal and external strife threatens the ancient kingdom. But there is a great war coming and only a few know.
Tarion’s birth has been foretold. But he is just a man. A man heir to the duchy of Narin and growing to be a powerful mage.
As he comes of age and takes the mantle of Duke he is given another, secret title, defender of the realm of life. He must juggle these roles but the day is coming when he must choose.
But first, he must find his companions as has been foretold. How is he to find the two faces that haunt his dreams?
Tarion is for you if you enjoy swords and sorcery in a high-fantasy setting.
Will Tarion balance the dual commitments of leadership and defence of the realm? Can he find the faces in his dreams before it is too late? Click the BUY ON AMAZON button under the cover to follow Tarion in his quest to find his fabled companions
The Gathering: The Chronicles of Altra Part 1
The machinations of the secretive Shadow Queen, master of the fallen elves, are far reaching. Her agent Myra threatens the stability of the kingdom of Maltara. A world away, the rise of the fire cult hampers Snorri’s every move. The internal strife between the dukes of Tentoi threatens Tarion before his real journey can even begin. An even greater threat looms over them all as civil war threatens the peaceful kingdom of Maltara, spurred on by the powerful prince Thorn. The call to defend the world comes at a time when none of them stands ready to fight. Can three unlikely heroes unite? Will they be the ones to answer the call?
This novel is Myra, Snorri, and Tarion all in one volume with detailed maps of the different kindoms!
How the Altaran Books are organised
The Gathering - Part 1